Common Sense Consulting Solutions, Leased Personnel And Equipment For Both The Small Business Owner And The Construction Industry.
Call Us at 775-561-0055

Business Consulting

Construction Consulting

Employee Leasing

Equipment Leasing

Fabrication Leasing

Consultant Leasing

Business Planning


It's not where you are at now...but where you want to end up?

Dear Rick,

I cannot thank you enough for the advice, guidance and assistance with my business over the years.  I am certain that with the recession and without your help, it would have been difficult if not impossible to navigate the storm.  Your consulting plan is now helping me as I sell the business that just a few short years ago I was worried about even surviving.

Thanks you!

Virginia C.

Butte, Montana

Dear BRG,

Our ownership group was like a ship stuck in the middle of the ocean or an explorer without a map.  Your simple plan to help us head in the correct direction and focus on what would move our project along was instrumental in us getting our project moving again and completing it under budget.  Could not have done it without you!


Ron R.

San Francisco, California